Clinical Supervision

Integral to providing safe, ethical and effective therapeutic practice regardless of the therapeutic framework is regular supervision with an experienced and qualified supervisor. This is time dedicated to building and refining your practice and professional identity. We take a supportive, non-judgemental approach, with the intention of facilitating honest and open reflection on the challenges and joys of clinical practice. Supervision is a great opportunity for sharing client reviews, exploring complex cases and receiving guidance on ethical dilemmas as well as fostering personal and professional growth.

Supervision can be undertaken 1:1, with clinical team members or with a group of practitioners at similar stages in their career development.

As an accredited AHPRA supervisor, Sue is able to provide supervision to Provisional Psychologist and secondary supervision to Psychology registrars in Clinical Masters training programs.

Nadine has completed the AASW’s Advanced Supervision Program for the Mental Health sector and provides Clinical Supervision to Social Workers, Psychologists, Counsellors, other allied health professionals and those working in the field of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning. She is an approved Supervisor with the Equine Psychotherapy Institute Australia (EPI) where she provides clinical supervision and consultation to EAP and EAL practitioners from Australia and internationally.